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Polar Bears are pretty cool animals, but have you ever thought about how amazing this animal can be?

Weight, Strength, and Speed of a Polar Bear

Polar Bears are one of the most strongest animals on earth! This really strong animal has a powerful bite of 1200 psi, the strongest bite among all bear species. This animals large size contributes to how strong their bite is and what makes them the most deadly animal among all bear species on earth. The largest polar bear scientists have recorded had a height around 11 feet and weighed more than 2000 pounds! On the average, male polar bears weigh between 700 to 1500 pounds, but females are much smaller and only weigh from 330 to 650 pounds. The height of a polar bear varies around 5.9 to 10 feet tall, which towers all other bear species around the world. The average walking speed of a polar bear is 5.5 kph (which is 3.4 miles per hour). When a polar bear is getting chased or is chasing prey, they can run as fast as 40 kph, (which is 25 miles per hour), in short distances.

Food and Habitat of a Polar Bear

Polar Bears typically live in the Artic, on ice-covered waters. Why polar bears typically rely on ice-covered waters is because they rely on it to access their primary source of food, which are seals. We divide the polar bear population into 19 units or subpopulations. around 60% of the subpopulations are located in Canada. Compared with other bear species like the brown bear or the grizzly bear, polar bears are mostly carnivorous. While other bears species live in habitats with access with mostly fruit, berries, grass, and other plant life, polar bears have access to only the artic food sources. Polar bears only eat plants when their are food shortages, which plants make a small amount of their diet. Polar Bears typically eat Seals, Narwhals, Reindeer, Fish, Eggs, Kelp, Shellfish, and more. Seals are Polar Bears most favorite food, but this food source does not always come out ready available. When Polar Bears are hungry, they just hunt any animal they come across.

Endangered Polar Bears

Polar bears are not endangered but have been slowly losing their population. Polar Bears are listed as a threatened species and will continue to decline if their threats are not solved. Climate change and habitat loss is the main reason polar bears are declining in numbers. Polar Bears are one of the many animals that is affected by climate changes, and they will lose in their numbers if the earth continues to get warmer. All the 19 subpopulations where polar bears live have been getting affected by the melting of ice in their habitat. Around 22,000 to 31,000 polar bears are alive today as they are the kings of their habitat in population.

Polar Bears are pretty fierce, fast and is a pretty cool animal, but their numbers in population will continue to decline as the earth gets warmer. Now, do you think polar bears are cool animals? If I were you, I would say polar bears are one of the most coolest animals I have ever seen
