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Here is some things about Lions.


Credit to George Hodan

Lions are carnivores which means they eat meat. Their diet contains antelope, zebra, giraffe, elephant, hippopotamus, rhino, crocodiles, wild dogs, cheetahs, buffaloes, leopards, wild hogs, birds, reptiles, and more.


Lions live in parts of Central and South Africa. Lions and other animals don not live in North Africa because there are deserts around there. A smaller population also lives around the south of Asia.

The cat family

Lions are a group of the cat family. Here are a few more animals that are part of the cat family.

Credit to Karen Arnold
Credit to Jean Beaufort


A lion or the king of the jungle maximum speed is is 35mph. As fast as a normal Giraffe. You can lift a cub, But when it comes to adults, you won’t even lift a lion by yourself or with a group to help!

Population of lions are getting hurt

Population of lions is getting hurt because… if you guessed humans, that is correct. At least 90% of the time, humans are killing animals, destroying their habits so they could build houses for humans.