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Tigers are pretty large animals! here are some things about tigers

Pic Credit: Pixabay/sasint


Tigers are the largest cats in the world so that means… you guessed it, needs a lot of meat to stay healthy. Tigers hunt deer, elk, wild boar, buffaloes, crocodiles, and more. and they can also hunt for smaller prey such as monkeys, fish, hares, birds, ground based birds such as ducks, amphibians, and more.


Siberian tigers live in the northern parts of Asia, but they are cold places such as many places in Russia, Bengal tigers live in southern Asia such as places in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Bhutan, and more.


Tigers are dying because humans do poaching for a few reasons like for keeping them in a zoo, and for decorations (fur and nails), stuff like that. And people tear down forests so they can build homes for humans which is harmful for tigers and different animals it is so sad.

India’s tiger population
todayabout 500
Russia’s tiger population

So if you compare both tables you can tell that there are more Bengal tigers (also known as Indian tiger) and there are less Amur tigers (also known as Siberian tiger) left in the wild.